All Saints Clergy

Fr Dimitri was born in Washington D.C., baptized in Worcester, Massachusetts and grew up in Long Beach, California where he served as an acolyte under the direction of Rev. Fr Nicholas Billiris (1957-1970) at the Assumption of the Theotokos Parish. Both of his parents immigrated to this country from Greece in 1949. He was ordained to the Deaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah on January 10, 2010 in Cheyenne, Wyoming and on March 20, 2011 he was ordained to the Priesthood at the Cathedral in Denver, Colorado. While attending Holy Cross School of Theology, Fr. Dimitri served his Deaconate and then Priesthood under the direction of Fr. Peter Chamberis. Fr. Dimitri is a May 2011 graduate of Holy Cross School of Theology and in June of 2011 he was assigned to the Assumption of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Metropolis Cathedral of Denver. While with the Denver Metropolis, he has also served as requested at other parishes in Boulder; Colorado Springs; and, Loveland as well as parishes in Wyoming, Utah and Nebraska. He started his current ministry at All Saints Greek Orthodox Church in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania on August 1, 2022.
Fr Dimitri was a member of the Laramie Police Department (1978-2007) and served in the following capacities: Patrol Officer, SWAT Entry Officer, Staff Officer, Court Bailiff, Training Officer, Crime Prevention Officer, Staff Sergeant, Patrol Sergeant, Detective (specializing in the investigation of crimes against children), Hostage Negotiator, Public Information Officer, Patrol Lieutenant, Administrative Lieutenant, Internal Affairs, Division Commander (overseeing recruiting, testing, hiring and training), Bomb Squad Commander, Litigation Management and three tours as Interim Chief of Police. During his nearly 30 year career, he also taught regularly as a guest instructor at the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy as well as providing training for departments and agencies in both Wyoming and Colorado.
During his Public Safety career he also served on numerous boards and commissions including: SAFE Project (Battered Spouse Program); ADAM Project (Batterers/Abusers Program); Albany County Child Protection Team; Incest Task Force; Suicide Task Force; Albany County School Board Trustee (1985-2006); Wyoming Underage Drinking Advisory Council; Wyoming State Youth Council; Governor’s Substance Abuse & Violent Crime Advisory Board; and, the Wyoming Episcopal Church HR Wilderness Camp Advisory Board.
Fr. Dimitri has also served as a Disaster Chaplain for the International Orthodox Christian Charities since 2008. Some of his callouts have included: Hurricane Ike; the deaths of the 19 Granite Mountain Hot Shots in the Yarnell Hill Fire; the Northern Colorado Flooding; the Route 91 Harvest Country Music Festival shooting in Las Vegas; the Highlands Ranch Stem School shooting; the Santa Barbara mudslides; and, the Boulder King Soopers shooting.